Services /

Here are the services we offer


  • We have created examination content for few of the largest national level competitive examinations, content for various large scale recruitment examinations, a national level MBA entrance examination, Internal departmental examinations of a PSU etc.

  • We are one of India’s largest test creators, having developed over 1000 sets of test.

  • Vendor to the India’s largest ICT organization and second largest online test conducting agency, for creating bilingual test items.

  • All our content developers are from prestigious institutes like IIT’s, IIM’s, DCE, SRCC, LSR etc.

  • Content creation process for some of the largest national level competitive examinations included handling a team of 25 content developers, 10 translators, 20 DTP operators. We developed over 100 examination sets which were standardized in terms of content and difficulty level. After the examination our experts handled the challenge readdressal with government appointed senior SME’s.

  • For the national level MBA examination we have designed the blueprint of the examination, which included choosing the topics on which questions are to be asked and the difficulty level across various topics. We also created content creation guide for the examination so that the content developed by various vendors was on the same lines, hence achieving the important goal of standardization of content across topics. We also created and checked over 10000 test items for this examination.

Exam Consulting